Saturday, November 22, 2008

Starting to like Twitter more and more

Even though I'm totally alone on Twitter - just a bare few friends are posting, I'm still inticed by the concept and am thinking of many cool ways to use it with a class -

1. Write a haiku
2. Use three vocab words in context in 140 characters
3. Give concise response to discussion topic
4. Sum up novel and short story themes

Here are some links to Twitter in the classroom ideas

Twitter FAQ

1 comment:

Karen Hatzigeorgiou said...

Hi Steve,
I think I had a Twitter account before, but only realized that after starting another one! So, I'll give it a go. I can't figure out how to find people to follow besides friends whose email addresses I have. Can't I find people who have similar interests? I'll try to figure it out tomorrow. It's too late now and I pooped.
My new Twitter account at Tweety Teacher . Also, check this out Bubbl.Us . I'm using it for my Chapter 12 notes which I'm going to try with Voice Thread. Wish me luck.