Thursday, September 18, 2008

Welcome to my teacher blog for Touro Masters Program Benicia

Hi, all,

This is my first posting for my class blog. All the students in Touro MA Program class EDU741.B are creating a personal expression blog. We are free to write about anything - hobbies, family, personal reflections, philosophy, marine biology, whatever. We do not need to write about education or technology in this blog, but you are welcome to write about whatever.

What is asked is that you post at least once per meeting of 741.B. Thus you can complete this blog activity with a minimum of 8 postings. We may, however, extend the blogging process into the spring courses. We'll see later how it goes.

Be sure to use all the advanced blog features as the course progresses. Include pictures and movies and other multimedia.


Shelly said...

hey Steve! I think I have two blogs somehow...maybe not a problem, except when I sign in...Chuck just laughs at me. Anyway, I want to add an audio clip from my music library on my mac..I've played with it and it just sends me to itunes. Any sugggestions?

theKellster92 said...

hah nice hat mr gibbs lol so is this what teahers do on there free time? lol