Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Age of Obama

The guy is as popular as the Beatles. For living in a time when the country is at a nadar of economy, education, peace, and opportunity, we sure are a happy, hopeful lot. I'm sure Obama knows how much people are depending on him. I hope he can pull something out of the fire.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Swierzy paints Lester Young

This is the painting I bought on a whim in Vegas at the Venitian a few years ago for $1,200. It's a portrait of jazz musician Lester Young, painted by Polish artist WALDEMAR SWIERZY. It hangs in my livingroom. It is the only piece of art I own that cost more than $25 - except my own, which are priceless.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Starting to like Twitter more and more

Even though I'm totally alone on Twitter - just a bare few friends are posting, I'm still inticed by the concept and am thinking of many cool ways to use it with a class -

1. Write a haiku
2. Use three vocab words in context in 140 characters
3. Give concise response to discussion topic
4. Sum up novel and short story themes

Here are some links to Twitter in the classroom ideas


Twitter FAQ